Lady Gaga- Applause

I stand here waiting for you to bang the gong  /我在這兒 等著你來 敲響這個鑼
To crash the critic saying, "is it right or is it wrong?"  /那些長舌毒語的評論家 指指點點的說著"這是對或錯"
If only fame had an IV, baby could I bear /如果有名譽就能吸毒 那寶貝我絕對夠格
Being away from you, I found the vein, put it in here  /在一個遠離你的地方 秀出靜脈 將它注入

I live for the applause, applause, applause /我在掌聲之中生存 那歡彩 那熱情
I live for the applause-plause, live for the applause-plause /掌聲之中 拍拍 歡聲雷動 拍拍
Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me /活在你給的喝彩與尖叫中
The applause, applause, applause  /那掌聲 那喜悅 那熱情

Give me that thing that I love (Turn the lights on)  /快給我那種我愛的事物 (把燈打亮吧)
Put your hands up, make 'em touch (Make it real loud) /舉高你的雙手 讓我摸得到 (把尖叫喊到最高點)
Give me that thing that I love (Turn the lights on)  /快給我那種我愛的事物 (把燈打亮吧)
Put your hands up, make 'em touch (Make it real loud) /舉高你的雙手 讓我摸得到 (把尖叫喊到最高點)

Make it real loud /把尖叫喊到最高點
Put your hands up, make 'em touch, touch /舉高雙手 讓我碰到
Make it real loud /把尖叫喊到最高點
Put your hands up, make 'em touch, touch /舉高雙手 讓我碰到 

I've overheard your theory /我曾偷聽到 你們的閒話
"Nostalgia's for geeks" /"酒鬼才會念舊呢"
I guess sir, if you say so /那先生 如果照你那麼說
Some of us just like to read /那我們一定很愛讀書囉

One second I'm a kunst /噢等等 那如果我代表藝術
Then suddenly the kunst is me /那麼 藝術就是我
Pop culture was in art /流行樂也是一種藝術
Now, art's in pop culture in me /那麼 藝術在流行樂中 也在我體裡

I live for the applause, applause, applause /我在掌聲之中生存 那歡彩 那熱情
I live for the applause-plause, live for the applause-plause /掌聲之中 拍拍 歡聲雷動 拍拍
Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me /活在你給的喝彩與尖叫中
The applause, applause, applause  /那掌聲 那喜悅 那熱情

Give me that thing that I love (Turn the lights on)  /快給我那種我愛的事物 (把燈打亮吧)
Put your hands up, make 'em touch (Make it real loud) /舉高你的雙手 讓我摸得到 (把尖叫喊到最高點)
Give me that thing that I love (Turn the lights on)  /快給我那種我愛的事物 (把燈打亮吧)
Put your hands up, make 'em touch (Make it real loud) /舉高你的雙手 讓我摸得到 (把尖叫喊到最高點)

Make it real loud /把尖叫喊到最高點
Put your hands up, make 'em touch, touch /舉高雙手 讓我碰到
Make it real loud /把尖叫喊到最高點
Put your hands up, make 'em touch, touch /舉高雙手 讓我碰到 

Touch, touch /接觸 觸摸
Touch, touch, now /互動 瞭解 現在!

 live for the applause, applause, applause /我在掌聲之中生存 那歡彩 那熱情
I live for the applause-plause, live for the applause-plause /掌聲之中 拍拍 歡聲雷動 拍拍
Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me /活在你給的喝彩與尖叫中
The applause, applause, applause  /那掌聲 那喜悅 那熱情

Give me that thing that I love (Turn the lights on)  /快給我那種我愛的事物 (把燈打亮吧)
Put your hands up, make 'em touch (Make it real loud) /舉高你的雙手 讓我摸得到 (把尖叫喊到最高點)
Give me that thing that I love (Turn the lights on)  /快給我那種我愛的事物 (把燈打亮吧)
Put your hands up, make 'em touch (Make it real loud) /舉高你的雙手 讓我摸得到 (把尖叫喊到最高點)

Make it real loud /把尖叫喊到最高點
Put your hands up, make 'em touch, touch /舉高雙手 讓我碰到
Make it real loud /把尖叫喊到最高點
Put your hands up, make 'em touch, touch /舉高雙手 讓我碰到 

A-R-T-P-O-P /藝術之流行

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